Feature Publications
Here are some of the research publication we have from our group. For most recent publications, please go to our Google Scholar page. We will be updating this more as we go!

Pulgarin-Zapata D., Bragg L.M., Cardenas-Soraca D.M., Marjan P., Munkittrick K.R., Servos M.R., Arnold V.I., Arlos M.J. (2024). "Multicompartment examination of micropollutant partitioning in replicate artificial streams highlights the limitations of assessing water matrices alone. ACS Environmental Science & Technology – Water. 9(45): 4165-4174
Arlos M., V. Arnold, J.S. Bumagat, J. Zhou, K. Cereno, A. Deas, K. Dai, N.J. Ruecker, and K.R. Munkittrick. Combining chemical, bioanalytical and predictive tools to assess persistence, seasonality, and sporadic releases of organic micropollutants within the urban water cycle. (2023) Water Research 244:120454
Cheng F., Pang J., Berggren S., Tanvar H., Mishra B., and Arlos M.J. (2024). "Treating Waste with Waste: Activated Bauxite Residue (ABR) as a Potential Wastewater Treatment. ACS Omega. 9(45): 45251-45262
​Quecke E.L., Peralta-Limachi S., Baluyot J.C., Diaz L.A., Carag H.M., Marjan P., Sta. Ana J., Cheng F., Ulrich A., Hicks K., Velarde M., Arlos M.J. (2024). “Bioanalytical monitoring of Laguna Lake (Philippines) to assess water research priorities associated with organic chemical pollution and cyanobacterial blooms”. ACS Environmental Science & Technology – Water
Barrow K, Escher B., Hicks K., König M, Schlichting R., Arlos M.J. (2023). “Water quality monitoring with in vitro bioassays to compare untreated oil sands process-affected water with unimpacted rivers”. Environmental Science Water Research and Technology
Nurain A., Zhang Y., Meier D., Farner J.M., Goss G., Arlos M.J. (2024). “Sorption behavior of trace organic chemicals on carboxylated polystyrene nanoplastics”. ACS Environmental Science & Technology – Water 4(9): 4018-4027