Maricor Arlos
Sep 3, 2022
This was by far the most challenging field work our lab has ever completed. With extreme heat and humidity, we managed to collect the essential samples to get our project in the Philippines going!
This project is really close to Maricor's heart. Maricor was born in the Philippines and lived there for 18 years prior to moving to Canada. Maricor's long-term vision is to contribute to water research in the Philippines, a country in southeast Asia that faces multiple water quality issues which are further exacerbated by urbanization and climate change. Maricor was joined by Emily Quecke, her very first PhD student, and her two friends from grad school, Patricija Marjan and Keegan Hicks.
The Arlos Research Group collaborated with the researchers from the University of Calgary, Alberta Environment and Parks, the University of the Philippines and the Laguna Lake Development Authority in collecting water samples and fish tissues (liver, gonads, muscle) from June 25 - July 13, 2022. It was a challenging experience for all of us, but definitely a very satisfying one.
This is just the start of something big! We will keep you updated with the results of this research project!