Innovative low-energy solutions: constructed wetlands as a polishing step for lagoon wastwater reuse for irrigation
This project is in collaboration with Dr. Anne Laarman (UofA, ALES) and Dr. Audrey Murray (AAFC - PEI). We will examine constructed wetlands (CW) as a low-energy wastewater treatment for re-use in irrigation. Alberta is currently facing critical drought conditions, and has faced droughts regularly in its southern, semi-arid region. Producers need innovative and sustainable solutions to increase the water-use efficiency of their operations. These solutions will increase the security, productivity, and economic viability of their operations and the resiliency of the agricultural sector in Alberta. This project will provide design guidance for Alberta Producers to install CW systems for water re-use decreasing slurry disposal costs and increasing water use efficiency. Effective water management strategies including “water use efficiency”, “water recycling” and “water reuse” are priority areas for AFC partners including Alberta Milk, RDAR, and the Western Grains Research Foundation as well as the Alberta Innovates Water Innovation Program.

This proposal will investigate an innovative, nature-based approach to water re-use for Alberta producers. Alberta is facing a critical drought situation for the 2024 growing season and has faced droughts regularly in its southern, semi-arid region. Water re-use is one solution to increase the water use efficiency within the agricultural sector and secure a more stable water supply for individual producers. This project will provide design guidance for Alberta Producers to install constructed wetland (CW) systems for water re-use, decreasing slurry disposal costs and increasing water use efficiency. The proposed five-year project will investigate constructed wetlands for treatment of farm wastewater and its subsequent re-use for irrigation. The specific objectives are to: (1) investigate wetland design through replicated wetland mesocosm experiments using mesocosms in Alberta and PEI; (2) evaluate the influent wastewater quality by monitoring the existing on-farm wastewater lagoon; (3) design and construct a wetland to treat lagoon wastewater for re-use for irrigation; (4) evaluate the performance of the wetland system for treatment of conventional and emerging water quality indicators (e.g., micropollutants such as veterinary drugs); and (5) evaluate potential uses for the finished water in addition to irrigation to increase resource use and flexibility for producers. On-farm water reuse maximizes the efficiency of every drop of water, reducing overall inputs. CWs are a cost-effective, nature-based treatment that work year-round, including in cold Canadian winters. This project incorporates interdisciplinary approaches to water reuse that taps into team's expertise in wastewater treatment, water quality management, on-farm constructed wetlands, aquatic ecotoxicology, ruminant health/nutrition and knowledge co-development with producers. Through onsite pilot projects (University of Alberta's Dairy Research and Technology Centre and community partners [e.g., Brazeau County]), we will generate Alberta-ready supplies of grey irrigation water to bolster Alberta’s agriculture landscape and improve drought resilience in agriculture in Canada and beyond.